23.07.2014 21:01

DX Headlines

This is Peter John for the DX Headlines Too far away from any infrastructure to be able to have internet or a cell phone connection? Talea de Castro, a small village of some 3000 inhabitants in mountainous rural mexico just didn't want to have it that way. According to the site of Radio Netherlands (RNW), a community organizer with Rhizomatica, Peter Bloom proposed a crazy plan to help the Taleans build their own community-owned cellphone network. The villagers decided to give it a shot... “At the beginning, we had no idea wether it was going to work or not,” Bloom admits. “The tech was very new. So I asked them: are you willing to experiment with us?” For only 2 cents per minute, the villagers now call family abroad. At 5 cents a minute, their calls are connected to other Mexican phones, the article continues. It needed 5000 dollar of equipment which was lent to them by the company. The article also mentions other initiatives that use license free WiFi-technology, with the help of directional antennas. In those cases cheap or completely free telephone calls are possible using VoIP-technology. A link to the article can be found on the KBC website http://www.rnw.nl/english/article/bad-cellphone-reception-no-internet-here%E2%80%99s-how-build-a-better-connection-yourself This is Peter John for the DX Headlines on the Mighty KBC

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